We have reached another milestone in this pandemic as we prepare to reopen the Woolwich Seniors Association for some in-person activities. We know that many of you want to get back to regular programming, but that will take some time.
We have to be mindful that the conditions of how our organization operated prior to COVID-19 have changed and we ask for your patience and cooperation in working within guidelines that are set for returning to in-person visits. All decisions have been carefully considered and discussed by our Board and our goal is to provide the safest environment possible for our members, while following the direction from the Province of Ontario, Waterloo Region Public Health and the Township of Woolwich.
The WSA serves a community of older adults 55+ that has been identified as a vulnerable population throughout the pandemic. Our priority is the health and well-being of all our members and we acknowledge and recognize the vital role that vaccinations are providing in stopping the spread of COVID-19.
As of today, the Province of Ontario has announced that people will be required to be fully vaccinated and will need to provide proof of their vaccination status to access certain settings. The Woolwich Seniors Association will fall under this mandate as a centre that serves a vulnerable population and as part of the recreation facilities at the Woolwich Memorial Centre. Proof of vaccinations will be required starting September 22, 2021.
As we announced that our reopening for some in-person activities will begin on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021, prior to the proof of vaccination date, we will continue our reopening plan, but we strongly recommend that each member be fully vaccinated before coming into the centre. We believe that each of us has a responsibility to protect the health and well-being of others, and being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 provides a barrier for spreading the virus.
We will be following the Province of Ontario and Township of Woolwich guidelines when proof of vaccination requirements are in place and will provide more information when it is available.
A slow phase in of in-person activities will begin on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021. These will be, snooker, quilting, book club, knitting and crocheting, and shuffleboard. The library and puzzle swap will be open. Our goal is to provide a balance between some in-person activities and some virtual programming for the fall. While we continue to monitor the changing environment of the pandemic, changes will be made as needed and programs will be added when safe and appropriate to do so.
For the last year, a Seniors Community Grant allowed us to offer free virtual programming to seniors in our community, however, that funding is not available to the WSA this year. We will be moving towards an activity participation fee for Zoom programming in the near future. If you are planning on participating in either in-person or virtual programming, we ask that your membership is paid and in good standing. Starting in September all new and renewal memberships paid will carry over to include 2022.
Please read the Safety Protocols outlined in the newsletter for participation at the centre and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone and we know how meaningful it will be to renew our friendships at the WSA. Please continue to follow all social distancing measures to keep yourself safe through the pandemic.
The Board of Directors,
Woolwich Seniors Association
Stuart Weber, President
Yvonne Weppler, Past President
Jane Graff, Treasurer
Gail Eby, Secretary
Evelyn Ash;
Carla Brechin
Tim Melitzer
Walter Plein